October 25, 2009

Pakistan's tryst with truth and its existence

9:11 PM by admin · 0 comments

Pakistan's foreign office has released a statement 'denouncing' Indian foreign secretary's remarks on pakistan's nuclear assets.
"Such remarks are evidently self-serving and integral to India’s efforts to seek unilateral advantage at the cost of regional strategic stability by its feverish militarisation and working on dangerous military doctrines", it said. It also said Islamabad had refrained from commenting on New Delhi’s own record of nuclear safety and security and its overt and covert endeavours to build weapons of mass destruction.(LINK)
They are quite right when they say it. In fact India would not have had to pursue efforts to seek such unilateral advantage if only Pakistan had not, for decades, sent masked men into India every now and then to create trouble in the country. Nor would we have the need for WMDs but for the masked men.

And mind you Pakistan, the man who ran a covert operation, the largest such in the world ever, to help radical states around the world acquire weapons of mass destruction, AQ Khan wasn't an Indian but a Pak national.


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